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10 Examples of Flat Logo Designs

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After most people are done setting up their domain and web hosting, they start thinking about the logo design for their website. The logo can really help steer the direction for the rest of the site’s design. If you’re thinking of using a flat design for your site, it makes sense to use a flat logo design.

1. Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular social media sites now. They started with a very flat logo design that almost looked as if it was a Microsoft product. But the company has made numerous improvements to the logo over the years. The latest logo that they’re using works really well because it’s a reflection of their brand.

The reason is stands out is because of the bright colors that make up the hollowed shape of the flat icon. The lighting on the bottom left also is an obvious note to how the app is used. It resembles the flash or background light that users experience when they take their photos with the app.

2. Etch

Flat design doesn’t always have to aim for being purely two-dimensional. Etch proves this with their brilliantly designed logo. Etch is a design and development studio, so their company name fits perfectly with the creative theme. They decide to take a literal interpretation and create a logo inspired by etch art.

The logo is made up of individual whole shapes lined up next to each other. To create a contrasting and almost 3-D like effect, they use different shades of shapes that make up their logo letters. The transparency works as a great effect here.

3. Lorenzo Verzini

Lorenzo Verzini is a designer and art director that makes a big splash with his logo. He actually uses his logo as a hero image. The logo consists of typography and iconography that is fused together. This bold approach is eye catching and also curiosity invoking which is great for engagement.

The logo almost reminds you of a modern art piece or painting. All the elements use flat design concepts to a tee. The vibrant colors and background also are another great feature of this piece.

4. The Cake Fairy

This logo designed for a local business is very charming, attractive and unique. The logo itself is a very classic looking flat design that would fit into the logo of any other local bakery or cake shop. But it uses a mascot that looks like it was created through a stencil design for a really unique look that differentiates it from other similar logos.

5. Stillinwork

This is a great flat logo that isn’t fancy but sums up the product incredibly well. The logo is an S shaped to look like an hourglass sand timer. The design fits perfectly since the logo is for a time tracking app for freelancers and professionals. The small collection of sand at the top and bottom of the hourglass adds just the right finishing touch.

6. Startup Your Life

This logo is a logo designed for a startup organization and community. The logo itself is very simple but works very well with the typography. The thing that makes this logo really shine is that it reminds you of a power button for tech hardware which gives it a strong dual association.

One small nuance that is easily missed is the fact that the rocket itself is half solid and half empty. This creates a contrasting effect for the rocket which gives it an edgier and more modern look than most flat designs.

7. Bitmule

Bitmule is a simple flat logo design that has a lot of personality and is driven by the typography. The typography lends itself towards an app or a tech related service like web hosting. To make their logo stand out, they manipulate the U of the logo to form the bottom head of a mule. Mule ears are added right above it to complete the animal icon. This is a great example of using a mascot in an unconventional way.

8. Purrfectly Good

This designer started growing catnip for fun and decided to start selling it on Etsy. The next step was to design a logo for the product. The result is a very well designed logo that hits all the right marks. The logo is a catnip with the flower head shaped like the head of a cat, which describes the product to a tee.

The style of the logo is done as a sketch creation which really adds a personal and relatable effect to the product. To match that feeling, the typography is done by hand which pairs really well with the sketch style.

9. Lion King

This creative logo is very clever and hits a wide spectrum of characteristics that come together very well. It was created by a designer purely as a creative project. The logo itself is shaped like a diamond but is also meant to represent the lion’s mane and head. This is done through the use of thick borders and the small shape in the center of the shape. The crown on the top completes the reference to the name.

10. My Thai

Iconography can really be the perfect way to create a logo. This logo is a real project that was created for a Thai restaurant. The elephant logo is endearing, friendly and attractive. The negative space makes up the shape of the elephant and green is the perfect choice for this logo although it would’ve been nice to see more than one color used.

Those are 10 great examples of flat logo designs that you can use for inspiration. There are numerous ways to approach flat design from the iconography, typography, to mascots. Corning up with the right logo is just a matter of experimenting and getting feedback from web visitors, customers and other designers.

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