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5 Questions to Ask before Upgrading Your Water Purifier

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Monsoon is here, and it bringsalong a host of water-borne diseases. Water contamination is a major reason for ailments like gastroenteritis, food poisoning, diarrhoea and vomiting. While people keep complaining about it, they seldom look at the real reason behind these ailments. The most obvious reason is consuming contaminated water that leads to all these problems.

Water needs to be purified properly before consumption and for that you require an efficient water purification system to avoid the harmful diseases. You might already have a water purifier at homefor decades, but do you think the age-old purifieris still efficient? If you are not sure whether it needs to be upgraded,here are 5 questions to ask yourself so that you can make an informed decision.

Is the Quality of Water You Get from the Water Purifier Good?

Have you been getting poor quality water from the water purifier even after replacing the filters in it? If yes, it’s time upgrade the purifier. If you have been using the same purifier for several years, there are chances that its purification abilities could have deteriorated. Upgrade to a purifier with advanced technologies.

Is the Water Purification System Too Old?

The average lifespan of any water purification system is around seven years, which can vary either way depending upon the maintenance and usage. Depending upon how well you have maintained the appliance, there are chances that it can even exceed the manufacturer’s expected lifespan. If your purifier has surpassed the average lifespan, take a call based on its performance. Besides the average lifespan, it is also possible that the company could have discontinued the model and hence getting the spare parts becomes difficult. If either of these is the case, it’s time to upgrade the purifier.

Is the Cost of Repair Getting High?

If the water purifier you are currently using starts needs frequent repair or servicing, it is better to switch to a new one. Why waste money on frequent wear and tear? Invest in a new purifier, which comes equipped with the latest purification technologies and an extended warranty.

Is There a Drastic Difference between the Purification Technologies?

Over the years, water purifiers come with latest technologies that ensure better purification. If your water purifier works based on an obsolete technology, it might not be able to remove all the impurities present in water. Switching to the latest technology will ensure that you get access to 100% purified water.

Have You Relocated to a New Area?

The one-size-fits-all formula doesn’t apply for water purifier. The water quality in each area differs, which is the reason why you need to opt for a water quality test.  For instance, if the water has more microbial contaminants, you need to install a UV water filter. However, if the water has more dissolved salts, you need a RO filter to make water fit for consumption.

These are few of the reasons why you will be required to opt fora water purifier upgrade. The final decision, however, should always be based on checking the actual performance of the existing water purifier.

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