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Understanding Kim Shabd Roop: The Masculine Forms of ‘Kim’ in Sanskrit

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Sanskrit Class 2 - Veda Vyasa Center


In Sanskrit grammar, words change their forms based on their gender, number, and case. “Kim” is a versatile interrogative pronoun that can mean “what,” “who,” or “which,” depending on the context. This article explores the masculine forms of “Kim,” known as Kim Shabd Roop, and how they are used in various grammatical cases.

The Importance of Shabd Roop in Sanskrit

Shabd Roop, or word forms, are essential in Sanskrit because they indicate the grammatical function of a word within a sentence. Understanding the different forms of “Kim” in the masculine gender helps in the correct construction and interpretation of Sanskrit sentences.

Declension of Kim in Masculine Gender

Singular Forms

  • Nominative (Subject): कः (kaḥ) – Who/What
    • Example: कः बालकः? (kaḥ bālakaḥ?) – Who is the boy?
  • Accusative (Object): कम् (kam) – Whom/What
    • Example: कम् पश्यसि? (kam paśyasi?) – Whom do you see?
  • Instrumental (By/With Whom): केन (kena)
    • Example: केन पठनं करोति? (kena paṭhanaṃ karoti?) – With what is he studying?
  • Dative (To/For Whom): कस्मै (kasmai)
    • Example: कस्मै लिखसि? (kasmai likhasi?) – To whom are you writing?
  • Ablative (From Whom): कस्मात् (kasmāt)
    • Example: कस्मात् आगच्छसि? (kasmāt āgacchasi?) – From where are you coming?
  • Genitive (Of Whom): कस्य (kasya)
    • Example: कस्य पुस्तकं? (kasya pustakaṃ?) – Whose book is this?
  • Locative (In/On Whom): कस्मिन् (kasmin)
    • Example: कस्मिन् ग्रामे? (kasmin grāme?) – In which village?
  • Vocative (Addressing): हे क! (he ka!)
    • Example: हे क! आगच्छ (he ka! āgaccha) – O who, come here!

Dual Forms

  • Nominative: कौ (kau)
    • Example: कौ बालकौ? (kau bālakau?) – Who are the two boys?
  • Accusative: कौ (kau)
    • Example: कौ पश्यसि? (kau paśyasi?) – Whom do you see (the two)?
  • Instrumental: काभ्याम् (kābhyām)
    • Example: काभ्याम् पठनं करोति? (kābhyām paṭhanaṃ karoti?) – With what (two) is he studying?
  • Dative: काभ्याम् (kābhyām)
    • Example: काभ्याम् लिखसि? (kābhyām likhasi?) – To whom (two) are you writing?
  • Ablative: काभ्याम् (kābhyām)
    • Example: काभ्याम् आगच्छसि? (kābhyām āgacchasi?) – From where (two) are you coming?
  • Genitive: कयोः (kayoḥ)
    • Example: कयोः पुस्तकं? (kayoḥ pustakaṃ?) – Whose book (of the two) is this?
  • Locative: कयोः (kayoḥ)
    • Example: कयोः ग्रामे? (kayoḥ grāme?) – In which village (of the two)?

Plural Forms

  • Nominative: के (ke)
    • Example: के बालकाः? (ke bālakāḥ?) – Who are the boys?
  • Accusative: कान् (kān)
    • Example: कान् पश्यसि? (kān paśyasi?) – Whom do you see (the boys)?
  • Instrumental: कैः (kaiḥ)
    • Example: कैः पठनं करोति? (kaiḥ paṭhanaṃ karoti?) – With what (the boys) is he studying?
  • Dative: केभ्यः (kebhyaḥ)
    • Example: केभ्यः लिखसि? (kebhyaḥ likhasi?) – To whom (the boys) are you writing?
  • Ablative: केभ्यः (kebhyaḥ)
    • Example: केभ्यः आगच्छसि? (kebhyaḥ āgacchasi?) – From where (the boys) are you coming?
  • Genitive: केषाम् (keṣām)
    • Example: केषाम् पुस्तकं? (keṣām pustakaṃ?) – Whose book (of the boys) is this?
  • Locative: केषु (keṣu)
    • Example: केषु ग्रामेषु? (keṣu grāmeṣu?) – In which villages (of the boys)?

Usage Examples in Sentences

Understanding the declension of “Kim” in masculine form is essential for forming grammatically correct sentences in Sanskrit. Here are a few examples:

  • Nominative: कः शिक्षकः? (kaḥ śikṣakaḥ?) – Who is the teacher?
  • Accusative: कम् पुस्तकं पठसि? (kam pustakaṃ paṭhasi?) – Which book are you reading?
  • Instrumental: केन वाहनेन गच्छसि? (kena vāhanena gacchasi?) – By which vehicle are you going?
  • Dative: कस्मै विदुषे पुस्तकं ददासि? (kasmai viduṣe pustakaṃ dadāsi?) – To which scholar are you giving the book?
  • Ablative: कस्मात् विद्यालयात् आगच्छसि? (kasmāt vidyālayāt āgacchasi?) – From which school are you coming?
  • Genitive: कस्य गृहं? (kasya gṛhaṃ?) – Whose house?
  • Locative: कस्मिन् विद्यालये पठसि? (kasmin vidyālaye paṭhasi?) – In which school do you study?


Understanding the masculine forms of “Kim” in Sanskrit, or Kim Shabd Roop, is crucial for mastering Sanskrit grammar and forming correct sentences. By learning the various declensions, you can accurately interpret and construct sentences, enhancing your proficiency in this ancient and rich language.

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