Home Education Arden Andersen Looks at the Uniqueness and Diversity of Kansas City Schools

Arden Andersen Looks at the Uniqueness and Diversity of Kansas City Schools

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One of the things that Arden Andersen loves most about Kansas City schools, is how committed they are to meeting the needs of their students. Of course, the schools want to ensure their pupils have great academic success. However, they want to do that in a nurturing environment in which every pupil is encouraged to reach their personal best. They do this through a variety of different programs, including the Missouri Schools Comprehensive Guidance Program, Homeless Student Services, and PE4Life.

Arden Andersen on Kansas City Education

All schools in Kansas City do everything they can to work together with the community, their pupils, and their students in order to deliver young people who have not just knowledge, but also abilities and skills to become committed to lifelong learning and to be an important part of the community as a whole. This means that they help to create responsible citizens, which they do by thriving on diversity and delivering high quality education.

One of these schools, the Lincoln Middle School, did this by launched the PE4Life program. This is now a national nonprofit advocacy organization that wants to ensure children are academically prepared, healthy, and active. They do this by ensuring more opportunities for physical education are made available. Through PE4Life, students gain inspiration, skills, and knowledge needed to commit to physical activity for life. All physical education (PE) programs in schools across Kansas City are now designed to enhance academic performance by improving fitness levels. Because of this commitment, schools are investing heavily in their PE programs. They have interactive equipment, heart rate monitors, cardio tools, SportWalls, Dance Dance Revolution, climbing walls, and more.

Another key element is ensuring that students who are homeless are able to get a high quality education. In fact, a state law is in place for this. This is managed by the Homeless Student Services, which ensures that all children, homeless or not, can receive free public education. To date, some 1,000 homeless children have been able to return to school thanks to this. Services provided include:

  1. Immediate enrollment for these children.
  2. Transport to and from school.
  3. Ensuring homeless children and their parents are aware of their educational rights.
  4. Providing education services and tutoring for children outside of the school environment.
  5. Helping families to gain access to medical insurance and health services.
  6. Working together with homeless agencies and shelters to improve outcomes for these children.

Finally, schools in Kansas City take part in the Missouri Schools Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Services Program. This program ensures that all schools have counselors available in which children have safe access to a nurturing environment. All students must be able to trust their counselors so that they can properly explore their personal feelings in a supportive and confidential relationship.

It is clear why Arden Andersen believes that Kansas City is the best place in the country, if not in the world, to gain an education.

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