Home Education Conservation and education grants now available

Conservation and education grants now available

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The Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin is calling for grant applications for its two matching small grants programs, the C.D. Besadny Conservation Grant Program and the Teachers’ Outdoors Environmental Education Grant Program. The Besadny program awards grants to projects that involve the management and restoration of Wisconsin’s natural resources and/or focus on natural resources education and outreach. The Teachers’ Outdoors program awards grants to projects focused on outdoor environmental education. Both programs provide grants of up to $1,000.

The C.D. Besadny Grant Program supports projects in Wisconsin that promote the responsible stewardship of Wisconsin’s natural resources at the local level. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the program, which has awarded $420,000 to more than 500 organizations in every county in Wisconsin since its inception in 1990. The program is named after former Department of Natural Resources Secretary and Foundation founder C.D. “Buzz” Besadny.

The Teachers’ Outdoor Environmental Education Fund provides grants for public school teachers (K-12) to undertake outdoor environmental education projects. The Teachers’ Outdoor Environmental Education Fund was established by Pete Ostlind in memory of his wife Sue Spaeth, a Wisconsin native and elementary school teacher for more than 30 years.




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