Home Education DU Admissions 2015: St.Stephen’s releases the cut-off

DU Admissions 2015: St.Stephen’s releases the cut-off

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St.Stephen's cut offThe cut-off for B.A. programme has been fixed at 96.50 per cent (Commerce) and 96.00 per cent (Science/Humanities). For Economics, the cut-off has reached 98.50 per cent. The candidates willing to take admissions to Mathematics course should have scored at least 96 per cent marks (Humanities). However, the candidates belonging to any other stream, wishing to take admission to Maths course should have acquired 97.25 per cent.

A separate list for separate courses and for separate category is available on the website. To view it in details, the candidates can check here: http://www.ststephens.edu/admissions/cutoff-2015.htm

The list of candidates called for interview and aptitude test will be published on the official website in two days. The interview session will begin from June 22. St. Stephen’s will provide admissions to aspirants on the basis of cut offs, personal interview and a 30 minute aptitude test round. According to information provided on the official website, “Written Aptitude Test will be conducted at 7.30 am for candidates called for interview in the pre-lunch sessions and at 1.30 pm for candidates scheduled in the post-lunch session.

Every year, St. Stephen’s admits students based on its own guidelines and admission criteria as it does not accept the common methodology of admission in Delhi University




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