Home Education High school student accepted by all 8 Ivy League schools

High school student accepted by all 8 Ivy League schools

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Harold Ekeh, a Elmont High School student from Long Island, New York, got accepted into every Ivy League school along with every other school he applied to.

Harold Ekeh was born in Nigeria and moved with his parents to the US when he was just eight. His parents, Rosaline and Pal Ekeh, worked as Target clerks previously and are now working in a humans resource agency and the NYPD traffic division respectively.

Not only is Harold a straight-A student with a 2270 SAT score and a 100.5 percent GPA, he is also the editor-in-chief of the student newspaper and chief executive of the Model United Nations.

He credits his success to the essay he had to write when applying to the prestigious schools in which he wrote about the struggles of his family when they moved to the US. He says that his parents’ resilience gave him the drive to accomplish this feat.

He also says that he is leaning towards Yale for his final choice but will visit MIT, Princeton and Harvard. He has to make a choice between the Ivy League schools and his other acceptances John Hopkins, Vanderbilt, MIT, NYU and SUNY Stonebrook, latest by May 1.




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