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How to Make Money with a Truck

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A truck is a handy vehicle to have. It’s powerful, can move large items around, and its larger size than standard cars means that it commands the road.

If you’re looking for a way to earn money with your truck, there are a lot of options for you, with each best suiting a different type of person. In fact, you and your trusty truck may be able to start a lucrative career that can help you earn a good income.

If you have a truck and are looking for things to do to help you earn a bit more cash, consider the following options.

Advertise on Your Truck

Due to how large trucks are, many businesses consider them good places to advertise their services or products. You’ll be surprised at how many local businesses will be willing to use your truck or car as a mobile billboard.

By sticking up a sign on your truck or by using a vinyl wrap, you’ll be able to advertise businesses. With it being on a truck, you have to option to move the advert and park your vehicle in different locations so that it can reach a wider audience.

In terms of payment, you’ll likely get a one-off payment for putting the advert on your truck, but if you negotiate well, you could get a commission for every sale resulting from your advertising. This payment model can turn this activity into a decent passive income.

Ship Items

If your truck is large enough, and you’re happy to travel large distances, you can use it to haul deliveries and other items around the country. This can be a very well-paid role and allows you the freedom to work when you want and only do the jobs that suit you.

There are plenty of job boards online where you can find shipping work and browse the different requirements to find the right work for you.

House Removals 

You can use your truck for house removals if you’re happy with getting down and dirty. This is where you empty the contents of a building that’s either been sold or refurbished.

When doing this work, ensure you don’t overload your truck. If you’re removing trash and other items that need to be discarded, it’s likely your responsibility to find appropriate places to get rid of the junk.

You can also use your truck to help people move home, charging families to remove their items from one location and then deliver them to their new home. You can also do the same thing for storage containers.


A truck is a tool that, when you need extra income, can be used in various ways to help you supplement your income. Having a truck can be very useful, as it allows you to make money in ways that would not have been possible if you’d had any other vehicle. You can commit to any of the roles mentioned in the article full-time to build an interesting career or just dip in and out of this work when you need to, to build a useful side hustle.

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