Home Education Karnataka CET 2015: Postponed

Karnataka CET 2015: Postponed

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The Karnataka Common Entrance Test (K-CET) 2015 has been rescheduled for May 12 and May 13. According to a notification, released by Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA), ” CET-2015 exam scheduled to be held on 29th and 30th April and 1st May 2015, has been postponed to 12th and 13th of May 2015 due to one day strike at national level called by the Central Trade Unions and KSRTC Staff Federation.”

The detailed time table of the new schedule will be announced soon, on the official website. The exam will be conducted on May 12 and May 13. The time table for the Kannada Language Test will also be published. A total of 1,58,073 candidates have applied for this entrance exam.

The admit cards for K-CET had been published, earlier this month. The question papers of the Common Entrance Test (CET) will be mostly based on the first and second PUC syllabi prescribed by the Department of Pre-University Education of Karnataka State.

K-CET is held for the candidates who want to get admission in Engineering, Medical, Dental, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Yoga, Medicine, Unani, Naturopathy, Architecture, B.Pharma, Pharma-D, B.Sc, Agriculture, Home Science, Engineering in the state of Karnataka.
For more details, the candidates should visit the official website


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