MUMBAI: Colleges affiliated to Mumbai University will be allowed to increase their seats by five more per cent if they fulfil all the criteria laid down by the university. Prior to this, the university had allowed colleges to increase their intake capacity by 10% in traditional courses and 20% in professional last month. The circular is passed to ensure no students are left without seats in degree colleges. The university issued the circular on August 10 and interested colleges can apply to the till the August 14.
In July, around 200 colleges had applied for the additional seats. Barring 10-15 applications which did not fulfil the criteria laid down by the university then, all colleges got the sanction from the university. Post this, the state government passed a resolution allowing all universities to give additional intake to their affiliated colleges. “After the government circular, many more colleges sought additional intake. University’s academic bodies decided to agree to their demands with conditions,” said an official.
“Since the class XII results have been good across boards, the government and university felt the need to increase the capacity to accommodate all students. The colleges, however, cannot increase their divisions, not increase work load on teachers and also can not be a liability on the government,” said registrar MA Khan.
Colleges which have adequate infrastructure to accommodate additional students, has approved principal, faculty and staff on board and has not been punished by the university for any default in the last three years are eligible to apply for this additional intake capacity. Colleges also need to follow the 75% attendance rule, not have any dues pending with the university, follow all the university/government norms, and also depute teachers for assessment work. “While the criteria were relaxed for some colleges in the first round in July, this time we have decided to not allow any relaxation. Last time, college even in-charge principals were given permission, the additional five per cent hike will be given to colleges who have approved principal only,” said the official.