Home News Poor Mental Health, Its Generational Cycles, And How TMS Health Solutions Can Help

Poor Mental Health, Its Generational Cycles, And How TMS Health Solutions Can Help

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Why do people work?

While some people work for pleasure, joy, satisfaction, or out of civic-mindedness, the vast majority of people around the globe work only to earn an income, and nothing else. Being out of work can actually make people feel aimless and without goals; if anything, this popular reason workers give for maintaining employment is secondary to none other than the almighty reason of income generation.

This point is worth bringing up because, if people aren’t happy in carrying out activities that a majority – or, at the very least, a near-majority – of one’s time is consumed by, how happy can that person really be, regardless of how full the remainder of their lives are?

Academic research has all but proven that individuals that live closer to industrial activity, or are otherwise exposed to high levels of industrial happenings and things, are consistently less happy than their better-off counterparts.

Who wants to live next to a factory, or down a road where big rigs travel up and down all day, slamming their obnoxious jake brakes each time they turn onto that road? Virtually nobody – maybe the plant owner or manager, out of convenience, but that’s it.

As such, land and buildings that are generally more expensive are almost always free of any nearby industrial activity. Their lower-income counterparts are statistically shown to be far closer to industrial activity, which includes seeing smoke billowing up into their from smokestacks, having high numbers of workers travel through one’s area, living on a busy road that’s not-so-friendly looking, and virtually anything else that’s even remotely related to business – particularly manufacturing.

Research strongly suggests that people living in these poor environments have poorer mental health than their counterparts. Mental health issues can be broad, and sometimes not easy to diagnose, though the most common disorder that manifests itself out of these environmental factors is clinical depression, leaving people more unwilling to work, not finding much or any interest in old hobbies and activities, failing to hang out with friends as often as usual, not feeling good, and even being at an increased risk of suicide.

All for living closer to industrial activity, which is a choice that most people in such situations can’t reasonably change.

Here’s the most unfortunate part of the whole ordeal: families living in these areas often give birth to children that will most likely be subject to generational poverty, or economic – and therefore, mental health quality disadvantage, as well – impropriety, causing those kids to most likely raise children that come from the same background as their parents, simply perpetuating the cycle.

Many strains of depression don’t respond easily to common treatments. For whatever reason this is, TMS Health Solutions – a line of top-notch depression help service providers around the California area – often helps individuals suffering from TRD, or treatment-resistant depression, using an innovative therapy that’s better known as transcranial magnetic stimulation, an outpatient procedure coupled with assistance from counseling, medication, exercise, and/or eating right.

TMS Health Solutions is also known as TMS Therapy – both are one in the same – which was founded back in 2007 by a tenured mental health professional native to the state of California and its constituents’ mental health issues, Dr. Richard Bermudes.


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