Home Travel Tips For A Long Drive

Tips For A Long Drive

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A long road trip is demanding on your body and your car regardless of the reasons for taking. It can be a leisure trip you are making out of choice to tour and sightsee the country or you just want to get from one city to another but the air tickets are out of your price range.

Whatever your reasons are, you must prepare adequately for long drive. Preparation helps anticipate problems you are likely to face during your trip and avoid them or mitigate their impact on your overall road trip experience.

Here’s how to prepare for a long drive.

Plan your route

You need a route plan for your long drive but how extensive and tight it is depends on your reasons for the trip and your personal preferences. For instance, if you simply want to move from one point to another, then stops and attractions sites along the way are unnecessary distractions and you should find the shortest route possible to get to your destination.

On the other hand, if you are taking a road trip for fun, then you should have a lose plan since you are likely to take a lot of detours and stops for sightseeing.

Get some sleep

You don’t want to be nodding off while you are behind the wheel. To avoid this, get enough sleep in the build up to your long trip.

You need to sleep for at least 8 hours in the two days leading up to your departure. You need adequate to keep your focus and concentration on the road which minimizes your chances of getting involved in avoidable accidents.

More importantly, if you feel sleepy during your long drive, find a suitable parking for your car by the road side and catch a few winks or freshen up before resuming your trip.

Make your car comfortable

You won’t survive a long drive if you feeling any form of discomfort even slightly. Take your car for service before you embark on your journey. This service should check the battery, the fluid levels, filters and the tires.

This is also the point you get your 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Driver Seat re-adjusted if someone else has used the car in the past week. You want to be as comfortable as you can for maximum concentration on the road.

While at it, also wash your car and put in some fresh scents.

Personal safety

Long drives can get tiring and boringespecially if you are travelling solo. To help address this, have some music playing in your car and take as many rest stops as you need. You are better off taking a few more minutes longer to safely get to your destination than driving when you are struggling to stay awake and focus on the road.

Remember to carry a car charger. The last thing you want you want is your phone going off yet you were using it for navigation and you are unfamiliar with the route.

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