The results for University Grants Commission (UGC) National Eligibility Test (NET), conducted in the month of December, last year, are yet to release. The results were expected to be announced in the month of April, by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), but have not been out, so far.
The official website has provided the following contact details, in case of any query:
Email Id:
Help Line No.: 011-24113447
For any other information, the candidates can contact:
Central Board of Secondary Education, Plot No. 149, Block – H, Sector – 63, Noida – 201309, District-Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.);
Telephone No.: 7042399524, 7042399525, 7042399526, 7042399527, 7042399528, 7042399529
Email at
NET December was conducted in 79 subjects at 87 selected NET coordinating institutions spread across the nation.
The exam carried three Papers:
Paper I: 100 Marks- 50/60 questions were to be attempted
Paper II: 100 Marks- All 50 questions were to be attempted
Paper III: 150 Marks- All 75 questions were to be attempted
The candidates who qualify for the award of Junior Research Fellowship are eligible to pursue research in the subject of their post-graduation or in a related subject and are also eligible for assistant professor post. The universities, institutions, IITs and other national organisations may select the JRF awardees for full time research work in accordance with the procedure prescribed by them