Home Technology Venus: Dutch Hollow’s got it; Godfrey spa adds latest body-shaping technology

Venus: Dutch Hollow’s got it; Godfrey spa adds latest body-shaping technology

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GODFREY — The latest body shaping technology has come to the only Riverbend location it can be found.

The technologically advanced services of Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa, which has medical director Dr. Samuel Figueroa on site who administers exclusive services such as Botox and Platelet Rich Plasma techniques, now has Venus Freeze. Venus Freeze is a cellulite- and circumferential fat-reducing device by VenusConcepts that is the latest body contouring/shaping technology. Venus Freeze is cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for facial wrinkles and rhytides.

“Venus Freeze gives tightening, firming, as well as rebuilds and remodels the patient’s own collagen,” Venus Concept specialist Stacey Harper described in a recent technique demonstration visit to Dutch Hollow in Godfrey. “This device works so beautifully with weight loss because we grab the skin; we don’t allow skin to drag or sag as it tightens and plumps.”

Harper started working in the beauty industry in Chicago 15 years ago. In Chicago’s City Search magazine, Harper’s aesthetic skills earned her the honor of winning “Best Facial” in the metropolis.

Venus Freeze is a non-surgical, non-invasive body contouring device with no downtime, so it allows clients to resume daily activities immediately after treatment. The device is used to reduce wrinkles, rhytides, tighten skin, reduce cellulite and circumferential fat. Using (MP)2 technology, this device delivers multi-polar radiofrequency and Pulsed Magnetic Fields to the skin to produce a dense and uniform heat matrix. This causes collagen synthesis and contraction, fibroblast proliferation, neo-vascularity and lipolysis.

“Most clients describe that it feels like a hot stone massage,” said Harper, who was hand-recruited by VenusConcept when she worked for a St. Louis’ physician’s practice as its medical aesthetician; she is a Venus Freeze corporate trainer who covers five states. “My current company took me to the next level. VenusConcept is a leader in the aesthetic world; we are truly pain free; and will have open houses with our competitors anytime.”

The main focus of Harper’s role with VenusConcept is to go to clinics and/or medical spas and make the staff successful; help with package pricing to perhaps bundle another desirable service with Venus Freeze treatments; and, explain, demonstrate and sell the devices.

“I still love the opportunity to come into a medical spa, like this, and be hands on, meet with patients and clients, and I love to teach, I love to train,” Harper said. “I like to take the skills, tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years and make everyone better than me. You can have the best technology but without the proper education or knowledge, you won’t have a successful practice, clinic or medical spa.”

Harper noted that there has been a 43 percent increase in non-invasive and body contouring treatments because there’s no downtime. A Venus Freeze treatment to one area takes less than 30 minutes.

“Clients don’t have time for downtime,” she said. “Clients can do it before work, at lunch, after work.”

Harper helped advance the training of Dutch Hollow’s in-house medical aesthetician Brittany Hanlon and one of its certified massage therapists, Miriah Bean. Dutch Hollow’s chief executive officer and president Mirka Figueroa will complete Hanlon’s and Bean’s certification as specially trained to administer Venus Freeze’s technology. The different between a medical aesthetician and non-medical, is practitioners such as Hanlon can administer treatment that permeate the dermis and go beneath the skin’s surface.

“This is the treatment used by the stars, and throughout the United States, but when preparing for the Grammys or Emmys, this is what people do,” Harper said about Venus Freeze.

The face, neck and entire body can be treated with Venus Freeze. The results cited by VenusConcepts and Harper are tighter skin, softening of wrinkles, plumper, fuller and more youthful appearance, reduced cellulite and a more contoured silhouette.

Radiofrequency and Magnetic Pulses have been used in medicine for many years and are proven, safe and effective technologies. The treatment provider will review each client’s medical history and aesthetic goals to make sure Venus Freeze is the right treatment choice to reach those goals.

The number of treatments required vary patient to patient, but typically, six treatments for the face and six to eight for the neck and body show significant difference. With Venus Freeze’s patented technology, clients often can see results after the first treatment, but long term results can be achieved in as few as six to eight treatments, Harper said.

“In general, everyone responds to treatment,” she noted.

She also pointed out that physicians all pay for their own Venus Freeze device.

“We do not pay physicians to use our device; they want to use it and purchase everything themselves,” Harper said. “We want our clients happy and set the bar high. Mirka is amazing with applying treatments, along with her staff.”

Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa also will have an Obagi skincare event Thursday, July 30, free and open to the public. Visit Dutch Hollow’s Facebook page for details.

Call 618-466-9496 or visit www.dutchhollowmedispa.com, Dutch Hollow’s Facebook page, www.venusconcept.com or www.venustreatments.com for more information. Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa is located at 3042 Godfrey Rd., Godfrey. Dutch Hollow’s spa hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday; and, closed Sunday and Monday.

More advanced technology found in the Riverbend only at Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa:

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) cosmetic therapy

  • Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is an extract of your own blood that contains three to five times more platelets, growth factors, and active proteins for tissue and injury healing.
  • It has been used medically for years to accelerate wound healing; repair tendon, ligament and joint damage; heal diabetic ulcers; and help regrow muscle and bone. When PRP is placed back into the skin by injection or micro-needling, it initiates a localized stem cell response. Over the weeks and months following treatment, this stem cell response recruits collagen-producing cells called fibroblasts. The fibroblasts replace tissue that has been damaged or lost through the aging process with healthy skin that looks refreshed and rejuvenated.

“It separates red blood cells leaving platelet-rich plasma to re-inject in the patient,” Dutch Hollow Medical Director Dr. Samuel Figueroa explained. “I inject those growth factors into face, neck, where the client has indicated a desire for a rejuvenated appearance.”

Figueroa said that PRP is effective in facial tissue around the eyes, whereas Botox and other cosmetic injectable fillers are not, due to that tissue having little muscle. The aim is to hydrate and repair delicate tissue, he noted. Figueroa himself uses PRP for pain relief around his knees where he has arthritis, he noted.


[“source – thetelegraph.com”]
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