Home News What to Prepare When Moving Away to College

What to Prepare When Moving Away to College

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10 Things to Do Before Moving Out of State for College | CollegeXpress

Going away to college can be one of the most exciting periods of a young person’s life. It will likely be the first time you’ve ever moved away from home, which also means that the experience can be quite daunting at first. Questions about what to take with you and leave behind can become overwhelming as you begin this next chapter of your life.

If you’re on your way to college this autumn, read on for a few tips about what to prepare.

Budget Accordingly

Budgeting is so important both before and after you’ve moved away to college. Even if you’re sailing through on a scholarship or bursary, ensuring that you’ve budgeted for all your necessities, including moving expenses, travel, new clothing and furniture, books, tuition, etc. will all add up very quickly. The temptation to spend at will when moving into your dorm or apartment will be high butresist where you can and try to stick to a sensible budget.

Assess the Amenities at Your New Accommodation

Before you start planning and packing, be sure to check the amenities and facilities at your new college abode. This will give you the information you need to buy any necessities, and conversely, will prevent you from buying unnecessary items that might already be there. Be sure to check everything from the layout and amenities of your room, to the bathroom and kitchen facilities. If you are sharing with others, it is still a good idea to take your own things just in case.

Take Only What You Need

This is easier said than done. Usually, we think we will ‘need’ a particular item — as is so often the case on holidays — only to find that we hardly use it. Where possible, carefully consider what is a necessity and what isn’t, particularly if you’re moving somewhere that is small on space. The last thing you want is to get there and find out you need to throw a few things out when they could have been safely stowed back home.

Consider Self-Storage

Another option if you’re low on space either at your old or new home — or during visits home for the holidays  — is to try out storage facility for college students. These places offer an array of storage sizes for your belongings ranging anywhere from room for a few boxes up to the scale of an RV. The beauty of self-storage is you know your items are safe and accessible when you want them.

Liaise with New Roommates (if any)

If you will be living with roommates and have already met them, it’s a good idea to liaise with them ahead of time so that you can coordinate on any shared items. This will prevent you all from bringinga kettle, for instance, and instead, share the expenses and buy one for all of you. Liaising will also put you at ease and allows you to get to know your new housemates before moving in so that it’s not so awkward during that first meeting.

There are a lot of things to prepare as one moves away from college. The above-mentioned list is just a start, but hopefully, it gets you off on the right foot.

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