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Clenbuterol supplements

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Professional weight lifters and bodybuilders nowadays concentrate on bulking up muscle mass using many supplementary products available in the market. These supplementary products are viewed as great performance enhancers that help to gain lean muscles and also increase stamina in a person. Though there are many products available in the market, there are quite a few of them which has gained confidence through people’s mind. One such product is Clenbuterol which is claimed to be a huge success in the fitness world. This product claims to increase body metabolism and increase protein synthesis which is required for burning unnecessary fat in human body.

Weight loss and usage

Clenbuterol is seen as a multi-purpose drug which can be used to treat asthma from a medical perspective. This drug helps to alleviate any respiratory problem when taken in minimal prescribed dosage. Apart from its medicinal benefit, this product also works wonders for body builders and athletes. Clenbuterol when taken regularly is proved to increase body muscles helping to gain weight without increasing body fat. This product comes in pills and liquid form. This product on regular intake increases the body temperature slightly thereby resulting in varied metabolic rate. As a stimulant, this product also helps decrease appetite thus cutting additional intake of unwanted calories.  Since it does not directly work on hormone level change when taken prescribed dosage, this product is reviewed to be safe and with least side effects when compared to other products in the same range. Effective dosage cycle for weight loss will be 100mcg to 140 mcg per day depending on the need for each human body.

Stacking up Clenbuterol with other products

However, it has now become a practice to combine multiple supplements together as different products provide different variants when comes to weight loss. In this category, Clenbuterol can be safely combined with any other weight loss supplement to produce desired results. As a word of caution, the dosage for this product will have to be reviewed when taken along with other products. This product will have to be consumed in on and off cycle – the most famous practice is to start off with two weeks on and off cycle. Here users use Clenbuterol for a period of 2 weeks by increasing the dosage regularly thus giving optimal time for our body to adjust to the dosage. Also to avoid long term side effects this product is supposed to be used for the maximum of 16 weeks in a year. Once your body produces the desired results, the cut off should also be done progressively in the weekly cycle rather than doing it rapidly.

Weight loss and word of caution

This drug even if it is very safe is seen as a stimulant. Hence athletes should use it with more caution as usage of this drug regularly means violation against certain law enforcements. Though this product can be purchased without the prescription in most of the countries, this is still illegal in certain countries where there is general ban in using such supplement products. Fitness is a goal that can be achieved and have to be preserved for a long time. So users should be very well aware of effective dosage cycle for weight loss and take dosages accordingly.

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