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How Data Science Created the Fintech Industry

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Fintech integrates data and computer science into the financial sector, resulting in an entirely new industry. Fintech is a relatively new branch of the financial world, and it is growing exponentially faster every day.

The goal of fintech is to increase productivity and efficiency. Using data science and computer programming allows more complex calculations to be made faster than ever before, and data can be assessed in practically the blink of an eye. If you have questions about the world of fintech and how it affects your life, keep reading this article to get a basic understanding of the industry.

Accurate Risk Assessment

Finance involves a lot of risks. In the past, risk assessment was done manually and with a more significant margin for error. With the new industry of fintech, a business financial consultant can quickly assess appropriate lines of capital for businesses applying for loans. Digitally managed data science makes credit appraisals possible in minutes. With the increased speed also comes increased accuracy. Now instead of going to the bank and waiting for weeks or months for a large business loan, fintech lenders have the capabilities of assessing thousands of data points and approving your loan in less than 24 hours.

Targeted Consultation Services

Companies like Cane Bay can use fintech to provide better consultation than ever before. Not only can they offer better advice for your asset management, but they also have a better view of the big picture. Cane Bay Partners and other consulting firms in the fintech space evaluate the potential lifetime value of their customers and do not view them as a one-time transaction. This means resources such as marketing and potential upselling can be specifically applied to the customers most likely to respond to it. This prevents wasted time and money from being spent in bulk on customers who do not want the product.

Fraud Prevention

Fraud is always an issue in the world of finance. However, data science has made a massive push against it. Transactions can now be monitored in real-time, preventing a great deal of fraudulent activity. This means costs can be brought down for legitimate customers, and the confidence in online banking institutions constantly rises. Fintech industries implement predictive warning systems that operate primarily due to data science and its innovations. Within the world of fintech, there are entire companies that only work to prevent fraud and protect other fintech firms from succumbing to it.

Automated Asset Management

Perhaps most importantly for the investor, data science allows investment firms to use automated asset management for their customers. These “robot-advisors” are complimentary consultants to savvy investors. They never act emotionally but instead consider trends and data from hundreds of different potential assets. Though you cannot wholly leave your investing decisions to an automated process, the addition of data science to asset management brings another level of market analysis.

Fintech would not be possible without modern data science. Many people do not even notice how it affects the world in profound ways. Fintech drives down costs while improving profit margins and preventing fraud. It will be an essential part of the financial world from now on.

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