Home Education JEE Advanced 2015: Change in paper pattern might affect the scores

JEE Advanced 2015: Change in paper pattern might affect the scores

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JEE Advanced 2015 answer keys are expected to be out on June 8, at 12 pm. The Joint Entrance Examination Advanced 2015 (JEE Advanced 2015)was conducted on May 24, 2015. The Paper I for JEE Advanced was held from 9 am to 12 noon and Paper II from 2 pm to 5 pm.

The JEE Advanced examination 2015 had undergone a major change in the marking pattern. The penalty for every incorrect answer this year was increased(four marks for correct answer and 2 for incorrect ones).

There were 60 questions per paper. The exam was conducted in two shifts. The paper in the first shift carried 264 marks, while the paper in the second shift carried 240 marks; making it a grand total of 504 marks. Last year, the grand total was 360 marks.

The duration of each paper was three hours. This year, around 1.22 lakh candidates appeared for the examination across more than 350 centres in India.

The question pattern was changed this year. The students were required to think more as there were no single option correct questions and all multi-option correct questions. This consumed a lot of the students’ time. The overall paper was more tough than the paper last year in both the difficulty level of the questions and the changes in the marking scheme.




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