Home Technology Technology Day: TechBuzz 2015 Organised

Technology Day: TechBuzz 2015 Organised

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Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Pappanamcode senior principal scientist U T S Pillai inaugurating TechBuzz 2015 at Trinity College of Engineering, Naruvamood, on Monday. The function was also attended by college principal Mary Mettilda Rose V and strategic director Arun Surendran.



THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:  The Trinity College of Engineering organised the TechBuzz 2015 in association with Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCTE) to celebrate the National Technology Day at its campus in Naruvamood here on Monday.

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Pappanamcode senior principal scientist U T S Pillai inaugurated the college fest during a function which was attended by college principal Mary Mettilda Rose V and strategic director Arun Surendran.

Pillai also inaugurated the college’s Advanced Designed Manufacturing Lab (ADML) during the function following which the final year BTech students of the college held demonstrations of their projects like those on Linear Actuators in Safety Systems for controlling the speed of Vehicles, Wireless Power Line Breaking Detecting System with Auto Power Cut off, Hypothecation Guaranteed Using GSM and Voice Operated Fire Fighting Robotic Vehicle System.

The Voice Operated Fire Fighting Robotic Vehicle System is designed for an advanced and highly efficient firefighting robotic vehicle that operates under the human voice commands through RF communication while the Hypothecation Guaranteed using GSM describes the design and implementation of new generation applications in the banking sector especially in car loans.

‘’The two projects developed by our students are of relevance in the society. The Robotic Vehicle system is an important breakthrough that once developed and conceived would be able to help the fire and rescue teams tremendously,’’ said Arun Surendran.




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