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Tips to Engage Students with Learning

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Every classroom has one or two students who are found difficulties in concentrating, staying focused and very easily getting distracted by the outside environment of the classroom. Many students feel their math and science class a boring and start playing with their friends, peeping outside the window and lot more.

As per studies carried out by the researchers, engaging students in learning activities to help them in increasing their attention, involvement, and concentration towards learning. Students get distracted very easily and often, so we need to pay more attention and extra effort in engaging them in learning. There are several activities which can motivate students to be attentive and participate in all class activities. Listed below are few tips to engage students in learning.

  • To gain students attention in class, introduce some class activities like puzzle games, quiz, debate and lot more.
  • Along with teaching, play some videos and powerpoint presentation slides related to the topic and explain the importance.
  • The best way to improving learning activities in kids is by giving the advantages and importance of learning, benefits of learning formulas, diagrams, calculations, etc.
  • Encouraging students in their assignment or school projects will help in increasing their concentration towards their studies.
  • Allow students to refer more books to have a better knowledge about the different topics including NCERT solutions and RD Sharma class 7, 8 9 and 10 Solutions.
  • To improve student’s concentrations and interest in math and other subjects, along with their teachings, teachers can also by playing a few interesting animations.
  • There are many educational apps, which are easily available on all online app stores. These apps have a clear explanation of all the topics with sufficient examples and mock test.
  • Never make students sit forcibly for hours together. Provide frequent breaks, allow them to play, walk around, chat and enjoy with their friends.

These were a few tips to engage students in learning. Along with these tips, both parents and teachers can help students to gain more interests towards their studies by practicing more questions from their class textbooks, from different books including RD Sharma Solutions and other worksheets, and by helping them in completing their assignments regularly.

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