Home Technology Engineers develop near-zero emissions engine technology

Engineers develop near-zero emissions engine technology

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Engineers develop near-zero emissions engine technology

Southwest Research Institute engineers have developed the next generation of clean diesel engine technology to reduce hazardous nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon dioxide emissions while minimizing fuel consumption. Working with regulatory agencies, vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, SwRI combined engine modifications with integrated aftertreatment technology and control strategies to reach near-zero emissions levels. SwRI developed the technology for the California Air Resources Board (CARB), a state organization charged with combatting air pollution.

“Through the continued efforts of a multidisciplinary team, SwRI has developed one of the most fuel-efficient, low-emission diesel engines in the world,” said SwRI Research Engineer Bryan Zavala, a member of the low NOx development team. “Created to address California’s pollution challenges, this technology could be a solution for communities around the globe dealing with the effects of NOx.”

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, nitrogen oxides are harmful to human health and the environment. The State of California plans to enact tighter emissions standards in 2024 and will require that heavy-duty engines produce less pollutants. Taking a systems approach to address the problem, SwRI engineers met CARB’s stringent emissions goals to reduce NOx by 90% while simultaneously lowering carbon dioxide emissions.

“The low NOx technology developed at SwRI illustrates significant strides toward improving today’s heavy-duty engines and lowering greenhouse gas emissions,” said CARB Vehicle Program Specialist Dr. William Robertson. “These types of simultaneous NOx and greenhouse gas solutions are key to creating sustainable heavy-duty transportation and meeting our public health obligations.”

source: techxplore

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