Home News Galaxy S6 owners to get exclusive rewards for Hearthstone game. Spoiler – you can get them on other Android devices

Galaxy S6 owners to get exclusive rewards for Hearthstone game. Spoiler – you can get them on other Android devices

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Blizzard’s Hearthstone is a widely popular title – one that started from PC, made its way to iOS and Androidtablets, and later, finally, landed on smartphones for both platforms. It’s an online collectible card game that features a wide variety of characters from Blizzard’s Warcraft universe. The title is free to play, but players have the opportunity to buy card packs with real money, if they wish to progress to a fancier deck faster. Some special events, too, reward players with a free deck – leveling up is one example, but so is playing the game on a smartphone or tablet for the first time. Progressing through the game without paying a single dollar is also very possible, and is the preferred choice of gaming for most players.
Galaxy S6 owners to get exclusive rewards for Hearthstone game. Spoiler - you can get them on other Android devices
So, everything is well and good in Hearthstone land – everybody is happy and everything is balanced… well, mostly. Yesterday, Blizzard announced that owners of the new Samsung Galaxy S6 or Galaxy S6 edge will be receiving not one but three classic card packs for free. Additionally, they will get an exclusive card back. As you may have guessed, this enraged some gamers – ones that feel that they are dedicated fans of Blizzard, but don’t own a Galaxy S6 for one reason or another.

If you are one that feels scorned and neglected from this promotion – there are two possible ways to get those rewards if you don’t own Sammy’s flagship. One would be to just grab an acquaintance’s Galaxy S6, install Hearthstone (if not installed already), and quickly log in and out with your own Blizzard account. Your rewards should immediately become visible and carry over to other devices. The other method requires a rooted Android handset and a build.prop editor. The thread that explains the process can be found if one Googles the right keywords – it’s on Reddit.


[SOURCE- “phonearena.com”]
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