Home Travel How to Spend Your Post grad Life Traveling the World for Free

How to Spend Your Post grad Life Traveling the World for Free

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Entering the post-grad phase can be tough. You’re thrust into the real world for the first time with big decisions to make and daunting goals to accomplish, the safety net of campus life in the rear-view mirror.

But if you’re a college senior in the U.K. who wants to avoid all that (at least for a while), we have very good news: You could win an all-expenses-paid trip around the world after graduation.

Price comparison site Comparethemarket.com wants to send one student who is currently in their final year to at least eight countries as a “travel adviser” in the fall. Plane tickets, accommodations, adventure excursions, camera equipment, and travel insurance are all included, as is a £5,000 donation to the winner’s student union.

Related: How to Quit Your Job and Travel the World, According to People Who Have Done It

All the lucky grad will have to do in exchange is take 10 photos a month in various destinations, film one video in their favorite spot, and write a monthly blog post with travel tips they learn along the way. The winner will also have a say in the itinerary and length of trip.

If you’re interested, check out the complete rules here, and then pen a short essay of less than 200 words explaining your ideal place to visit and why by April 30.

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If you’re selected by Compare the Market travel experts as one of the top five candidates, you’ll submit a YouTube video “application,” and then the public will vote on the winner by May.


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